COMMENTARY: January 2025
Qube's Commentary is a collection of insightful articles written by our expert team. Inside, you'll find...
Another Inconvenient Truth?
What financial paper ruined a perfectly good Saturday morning for Qube’s Senior Portfolio Manager? One retired professor and his research assistants uncovered the missing history in a highly regarded reference dataset, challenging the idea of stocks outperforming bonds. This notion, long taken as gospel by the entire investing world, is now under scrutiny.
The Peculiar Case of Di-worse-ification
All hail diversification! But what happens when you get too much of a good thing? Surely, the more Portfolio Managers you have focusing on your investments, the better… Right? We examine the motivations behind relying on a human over an app, the true value of an advisor, and the diminishing returns of spreading your wealth among multiple Portfolio Managers.
The Joys of Wealth Planning: A Continual Evolution
Shifting policies like 2024’s proposed changes to the capital gains inclusion rate mean wealth planning is always changing. As we guide clients towards their goals, it’s important to keep our eyes open and adjust strategies to account for new challenges.
Stock Spotlight: Procter & Gamble
In June 2024, the hunt for undervalued companies turned up Procter & Gamble, a multi-faceted business consisting of household goods: everything from razors to pet food. PG’s inclusion in Qube’s Kaleo portfolios is largely based on a narrative of innovation, with a potential upside of approximately 18%. Learn more about what we look for in a company with this Stock Spotlight.
Proxy Voting Summary 2024
One of Qube’s duties is to vote on shareholder proposals on behalf of our Kaleo clients. We carefully consider issues of corporate accountability when it comes to the environment, social issues, and governance. You can read this broad overview of our positions in every January Commentary.
Qube Insights: Equity Research Traffic Lights
Transparency is prized here at Qube. At the back of every Commentary, you’ll find our traffic lights. They indicate which companies are held in our Kaleo portfolios, which are not, which we would consider buying, and which we would consider selling.